Thursday, October 24, 2013

Survey Monkey: "An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy" questionnaire

In this activity, the same group in the science movie constructs a multiple choice test questionnaire using the website Our questions were based on our science movie “An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy”, Our made questionnaires was guided by the link sent to us by Ma’am Rutchelle Enriquez

"An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy" questionnaire 
"An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy" questionnaire  
"An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy" questionnaire 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy (Science movie)

In this activity, the class was divided into four groups and each group will choose a science concept in Waray that would be used to make on their science movie and Ma’am Rutchelle Enriquez would choose who would get the following titles.
a.       Best Director
b.      Best Actor
c.       Best Actress
d.      Best Cameraman
e.       Best Scriptwriter
f.        Best Cinematographer

During the taping
 Our group agreed to have an idea about a child having dengue fever in titled “An Pagbabag-o ni Totoy”. The play of the story was focused on Totoy that was suffering from the bite of Aedes aegypti infected mosquito a type of mosquito that is a vector of dengue virus. Totoy’s father believed that the disease of his son would get healed if they would go into the quack doctor but instead of being cured from dengue it get worse.

Our group is composed of good actors, Lief Erikson D. Gamalo as “Totoy”, Nolan Justin L. Elpedes as “Edgar”, Jay T. Torrefiel as “Mano Pablo”, Verneal Alvin Ken C. Ana as “Johny, John Leonard R. Chan as "P.E.Teacher" and "Doctor”, and your very own as “Kuya”.

            To watch our video click this link

phet colorado: pH scale simulation accompanying worksheet

                   In this activity the students were assigned to search a simulation in phet Colorado that is related to biology and make an accompanying worksheet based on the simulation.
                This simulation is about pH scale, which determine whether each liquid solution and mixture is acidic, basic or neutral. This simulations can be visualized through the relative number of the hydroxide and hydronium ions in each of the solutions and it can be switched between logarithmic and linear scales. Also it can test if there is a change in pH by changing the volume or diluting with water.
                When the pH level bar is at seven it means that the solution is neutral for example water, when it is above seven the solution is considered to be basic and if it’s below seven the liquid sample is acidic. Based on what I have experienced, simulation is a great help for students, teachers and learning seekers to understand a topic clearly even without conducting the actual experiment that may be due to lack of apparatus or materials needed.

pH scale simulation accompanying worksheet
Showing water that has a pH level of 7.0
Showing vomit that has a pH level of  2.0

Showing hand soap solution that has a pH level of 10.0

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quantitative Data Analysis: Using Bar graph and Pie chart

This activity was to make a bar graph and pie chart based on a survey that conducted to find out which course program, year level, gender and age dominates the IGP Park.
  The time frame for the survey was only thirty minutes, we started at 12:00 o’clock in noon time and ended at 12:30 P.M but we surveyed a lot. After collecting data I and Mr. Chan analyzed the data that we have gathered and make presentations using Microsoft Excel.

Showing the data obtained for Gender

Showing the data obtained for course programs 

CLAYMATION (Stem cell: cell differentiation)

Skin cell, Muscle cell, Nerve cell and Red blood cell

In this activity, we performed a method of animation in which we used clay and molded into cell figures then filmed by stop-motion photography. Our group agreed to have an idea about stem cell on how it differentiates to form a new cell.  
Stem cell (middle) starting to change into a nerve cell

In this Claymation we limited our cell figures into five cells only namely: muscle cell, nerve cell, fat cell, skin cell and stem cell.

Fully formed new nerve cell

We molded our cell figures in school during ICT and STS time and after molding the different cell figures Lief and Dawn were assigned to take pictures of each of the movements of the characters. They had taken 197 pictures and passed to me to edit those pictures in Fotor and Photoshop CS5. It takes a lot of time to edit the background so I asked Lief to help me edit those pictures. We had spent the whole night to finish editing those pictures but it was fun J. The last thing we did was to dub voice into the cell figures and those scripts were written by Leonard Chan.

To watch our video click this link

PowerPoint Presentation: Using Hyperlinks, Images and Videos

PowerPoint presentation
      This activity is about making a PowerPoint presentation in which we are thinking about a topic that would be presented in class and it should be pertaining to science. I decided to have a presentation about reproductive cloning because many people would think that reproductive cloning is the “exact copy” of the original which is not because in reproductive cloning though the “whole” genetic make-up is reproduced from a single body cell the mitochondrial DNA is not passed or reproduce that would totally result in not exact copy of the original.
         The most common cloning technique used is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the same method used to clone dolly the sheep. This type of cloning is not an exact copy of the original.

Process of cloning Dolly the sheep.
         In the making of my report I inserted it with a picture that is hyperlinked to the text and pictures in slide and also I put a video for them to have better visualization about the process done in reproductive cloning.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Karyotyping Activity: Virtual vs Manual

Human Karyotype (Normal)
Karyotyping is used to detect whether the offspring would have chromosomal abnormalities by pairing its chromosomes. A normal human has 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of sex cells.
In this activity, we have to work on pair to answer the karyotyping activity. Ma’am Rutchelle Enriquez provided us the link that will be printed out then cut all the chromosomes and match them by comparing its size and the arrangement of centromeres. After pairing the chromosomes I and my partner Jay will make a reflection paper comparing the manual method versus virtual method of pairing the chromosomes.